Halloween Special: Witchcraft, a Haunting & Ouija, OH MY!

Samhain represents the progression of life and death and is the end of the harvest, calling the spirits and the changing characteristics of the God and Goddess. Autumn colors are usually used as altar decorations to represent the dying of nature and life. Many decorate with “Halloween” decorations to resemble death while they also may choose to add pictures of passed loved ones.
Some use suitable herbs which symbolize mortality on their altar to remember loved ones or shrines for family are also created. Spiritual tools are often added to altars for Samhain such as scrying mirrors, Tarot cards or a pendulum. I use my nearly one-hundred year old Ouija board due to my success in using it.
One October thirty-first, my husband, my mother and I went to my older sister’s place and we brought my Ouija board. I brought candles and every planchette from each board I own. We successfully communicated with all four of my grandparents and my aunt.
My grandmother (mom’s side) gave my mother lots of advice and her unique sense of humor kicked in. She even told her to “smarten up” in regards to getting her life together which we all laughed about. My quiet grandfather (mom’s side) told everyone how much he loves us.
My grandparents on my Father’s side of the family also communicated with us and we could tell it was him because of all of the questions he was asking us. He always loved hearing how we were doing in our lives and said little about himself. My grandmother was rather quiet, however, and told us how she loves us. She was always very shy.
When my Aunt started communicating with us, she started complimenting my niece as soon as she came home from her “Halloween” celebrations.
“Ariana, you’re so beautiful,” the planchette spelt out often. She wanted to know where her dog was and once we had told her that her dog was staying at my Father’s house, she left.
My grandmother from my mother’s side started talking to my mother again and wanted her to start going to church. She repeatedly spelled “church” when my mother asked her for guidance. It was a very interesting evening as we visited with our passed loved ones and I’m sure that we will remember it forever.

One weekend I had my niece over for the weekend in my apartment. We stayed up late to watch scary movies on Saturday and on Sunday we decided that we would have a nice day together in my neighborhood.
Outside my apartment was a church nearby and we decided to go check it out that morning. It was a special morning for us since we saw a baby get baptized who had the same name as her. It was almost like we were looking into the past and she saw how beautiful her own ceremony was when she was baptized. She saw how special I was to her and how special she was to me because I was chosen to guide her in her spiritual journey as her Godfather.
After church we went for a quick lunch then decided to take a walk. We walked by a house I often walked by on my neighborhood walks which is supposedly haunted and on this special day we were able to go inside the historic house as the city opened it for the day. To this day my niece swears that she felt someone poke her when we were in one of the bedrooms.
After visiting the Marr residence we went for pie and ice cream and on our way home, Ariana noticed a store close by which sold metaphysical supplies. She mentioned that she has always wanted to see what witchcraft supplies were like but seemed hesitant because of what she thought I might think. I have always been open minded and decided to take her.
We entered the store and she looked around the store for a moment. A shelf of all of these small crystal animals caught her eye and she seemed very drawn a small blue bird. I was reminded of my spirit guide Aijai and it was as if he was telling me not to forget about him. I once asked him to look after my sister’s family as well and this validated it for me, as the psychic told me that he would send a blue bird next time he wanted to commune.
She put the bird back down and I grabbed it while she wasn’t looking. I bought it for her and told her that she should hold onto it whenever she feels scared in her home. There had been strange events occurring in her home. They once lived in an apartment and they often had random things go missing or lift on their own.
One night, my sister was lying in bed and as she tried to sleep she disconnected from her physical body. She watched herself lying on her bed outside of her body and started to walk outside her room, down the hallway. She started to get scared and she suddenly went back into her body except she felt paralyzed. As she desperately tried regaining her strength, she forced her body off of the bed and knocked off many things on her nightstand while she struggled and stumbled to stand up. They moved to a larger home as their family grew but they experienced the same sort of events they had in the apartment.
One day I went over to visit and my sister was making lunch in the kitchen when suddenly all of the glasses fell off of the kitchen shelf and a cupboard door swung open and hit her in the buttocks. She was very startled and couldn’t explain why it happened.
To this day my niece still has the small crystal blue bird today and she holds it in her hand to protect her.

When to use a Ouija board:
Go with you instincts... Personally I have found that it's more beneficial to use a Ouija board if no part of you has doubts on whether or not you should be using one. Since I've began this witchy journey I've been presenting on this blog, I've noticed that strong energies within some individuals, including myself, will tell us when someone from the other side would like to communicate with us. I do not use the Ouija board everyday, nor every week, nor even every month. It all depends when I am receiving "a call" from the other side... It's even more beneficial when you start recognizing that you are receiving "a call" from the other side, because I have always had a stronger connection using the board in these cases. I do not however condone dabbling with Ouija boards, when someone is trying to stir up energy to see if something scary may happen, then it's simply disrespectful to the dead. The dead may try to scare you and while I am not convinced demons exist, "demonic activity" is known to arise in these cases also. It's possibly just a spirit trying to scare you, however others may claim that demons exist. It's always a good idea to be cautious when trying anything that is new to you, so until you get used to contacting the dead whether with a Ouija board or not, make sure you say a prayer, cast a protective circle with salt and light white candles, inviting only those with positive energy to the circle. Or for my niece it may just be simply holding her blue bird crystal. Once you have become more spiritually grounded like me, you will not have to do the rituals anymore because you will have found and awakened the power within yourself to produce protective energies on your own. The human mind is the most magnificent tool of all. :)

Becoming the Devil They Fear: A Gay Book of Shadows
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